Your Net Zero Journey

Use carbon credits from our projects to balance your remaining emissions.

Calculate your Carbon Footprint using established CO2 calculators or, for more complex cases, standards like the GHG Protocol. A thorough analysis helps pinpoint emission sources and identify opportunities for reduction.

Implement measures to avoid and reduce emissions wherever possible. Prioritize efficiency improvements, renewable energy adoption, and sustainable practices within your operations and supply chain.

Even with strong reduction efforts, some emissions may remain. Offset these by purchasing high-quality carbon credits. We offer you a diverse portfolio of carbon projects to chose from.

Permanence risk in forest carbon credits
We take every possible measure to protect our forests from risks such as fire, pests, and illegal logging. However, no forest is entirely immune to natural or human-induced threats. That’s why we offer Permanence Insurance—ensuring the long-term integrity of your carbon credits.
How permanence insurance works
Permanence Insurance safeguards against carbon reversals by pairing each forest carbon credit with an equivalent credit from projects with no reversal risk, such as solar or wind energy initiatives in developing countries. This guarantees that the climate impact remains secure, even in the face of unforeseen events.
Pricing & contact
Insurance prices range from €2 to €10 per credit, depending on project specifics. For more details or a tailored quote, please contact our sales team.
Get the TÜV Carbon Compensation Logo

To further strengthen the credibility of your climate action, your carbon compensation can be verified by TÜV NORD, an internationally recognized certification body. Once the verification is complete, you will receive a TÜV-approved Carbon Compensation Logo, demonstrating your commitment to effective and lasting climate action.

Your 1% for the Climate Journey

Commit at least 1% of your annual profit to support certified climate projects.

If every company would commit only 1% of their profit to climate action, we could raise $578 billion annually.

This is the amount that is necessary to cover the annual climate change adaptation cost in developing countries, as stated by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP, 2016).

This is why we advocate for businesses worldwide to take responsibility and commit 1% for the climate. Every contribution counts in building a resilient and sustainable future. 

Dedicate 1% of your annual profits (or salary for individuals) to climate activities beyond your direct influence (e.g. on suppliers), supporting climate mitigation and adaptation efforts of any kind.

Therefore, we offer you a portfolio of high-quality forest climate projects to chose from, that integrate both mitigation and adaptation activities, making them an ideal choice for your ‘1% for the Climate’ commitment.

We retire the corresponding amount of carbon credits in your company’s name, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Obtain independent third-party verification of your contributions, such as from your tax auditor. To make the process seamless, we provide a ready-to-use confirmation template.

Get the '1% for the Climate' Logo

Once your verification is published online, we will retire the corresponding amount of carbon credits in your name—ensuring your contribution has a tangible climate impact. Additionally, your support will be tracked with a unique QR code, linking directly to your climate contribution and the specific project you support.

You can display this QR code alongside the ‘1% for the Climate’ logo, showcasing your commitment to real and verifiable climate action.

Effectively communicate your efforts, whether for voluntary transparency or ESG reporting.

Guidance for voluntary reporting
For those reporting voluntarily, ensure your claims are clear, consistent, and compliant by following the EU Green Claims Directive (in development) or national guidelines for sustainable communication.

Support for ESG compliance
For those required to report under ESG regulations, we offer direct support on how our credits align with frameworks such as the CSRD, SBTi, or other industry-specific standards.

Leverage employee and client feedback to continuously refine your strategy and activities.

Project Portfolio


Agroforestry in Paraguay

Reforestation of 300 ha in combination with extensive cattle grazing in a silvopastoral agroforestry system, together with the Paraguayan Minsitry of the Environment and a local farmer.

Read more Prices


Afforestation in Argentina

Afforestation of 6,000 ha of degraded grassland and native forest conservation together with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), the Argentinian State Secretary of Natural Resources, and local farmers.

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Hedgerows in Germany

Planting of hedgerows on agricultural land in Germany to provide habitat for biodiversity and reduce wind erosion, togehter with local farmers.

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Timber Production in Uganda

Initiated a 12,000 ha climate forest project in collaboration with the Ugandan Ministry of the Environment and the Ugandan Timber Growers Association. The project was sold in 2010 and is managed today by Nile Fibreboards.

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Clients & Partners

Our Quality Commitment


All our projects are additional, so they would not have been implemented without refinancing via the sales of carbon credits.


We have mechanisms in place that guarantee the long-term climate performance of our projects.


Our projects are certified by independent third-party auditors to guarantee high integrity of the market.


We consider environmental, social, and economic perspectives, to create lasting value for all stakeholders involved.

Get in Touch!

Do you have questions about our projects or our company? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Drop us a message

Max Rau

Commercial Director